Unfinished Short Story 5

Noir on a Saturday

Do you know what time it is?” he said, pulling the last drag from his Marlboro cigarette. He was sitting in is green and yellow patterned chair in front of the door, waiting for this moment.

“Bill, you startled me. I’m sorry, I was just running late.” The sound in her voice was inextricably that of excuse.

“If I look behind my left shoulder I have a feeling that Timex clock will read 3:35 a.m.”

“I didn’t think it was that late”

“The funny thing about clocks, Daisy, is their inept ability to be void of human emotions. They are simple machines. This one runs on a small lithium battery that lasts months on end with zero problems and zero interruptions. That Timex will never lie about what time it is.”

“I’m sorry Bill.” She forcibly yawns, trying to downplay the situation.

“Oh you’re tired? That’s funny. Usually someone gets tired when they have been doing something exhausting. What have you been doing, dear?” The end of his statement was grinding gears in her ear.

“I was out with a friend.”

“It was that new guy from work wasn’t it?” he pressed.

“Yes. His name is Oli, and it was only a drink.”

“I know a drink is never just a drink with you. You suck those down with a fury, dear, as though they were your salvation.”

“Bill, you have to believe me. It was only a drink.” She approaches him as though to console him but she is halted before she can reach him.

“You loose that button in a fit of rage at a computer at work?” She hadn’t notice that her breast button had bust from its seam.

“Oh, I must have. Silly me” she giggled. Her eyes couldn’t find the appropriate place to land, leaving her browsing the room’s floor.

“Don’t worry dear. Relax. This will only take a minute. Look at me.” He paused. “Look at me.” He paused again. “Look at me!”

“I’m sorry, Bill. I’m sorry. It was just a drink.” She fell to her knees.

“Get up. Get up! I want you to look me in the eyes as I take care of this situation. Now, smile for me, baby. Show me those pearly whites.” He raised his hand as his eyes gleamed off her porcelain veneers.

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